Sunday, November 29, 2009

How can I reinstall IE 6 after IE was deleted since theres no IE can I install IE from another websi

IE was deleted how can I reinstall IE when it has been deleted, can reinstallment of IE be installed from another website such as firefox? I have windows xp...Please help, Thanks very much.

How can I reinstall IE 6 after IE was deleted since theres no IE can I install IE from another website?windows media player 10

it is still there you just deleted the shortcut.

search ur computer for it



all files and folders

internet explorer

something should come up

How can I reinstall IE 6 after IE was deleted since theres no IE can I install IE from another website?microsoft net internet explorer

go to and do the updates then it'll automatically install ie7

this is IE 7 worth better than the old one
Look on this site:

But Firefox is better:
just use firefox, its faster and more secure
you can do a system restore point by going 2 programs-accessories- system tools - system restore. and do this to a time month earlier
IE Was not Deleted, You would of known it severly, if this was the case, IE is integrated into Windows and Windows Explorer, the shortcut may have been deleted, even when folks uninstall it from Add/Remove Programs, It's still on the Machine, Look in C:/Program Files/Internet Explorer... Good Luck
yes, try it.

If for some reason you can't download it. Insert the CD your computer came with and reinstall IE. Then update from there.
If it's not just a missing shortcut go to Add/Remove Programs %26gt; Add/Remove Windows Components, check its box and "Apply" or "OK".

now wait a sec guys think about this. if there is no IE then how the heck are you going to get to you need IE to get there. ok i know this sounds crazy and don't shoot me for suggesting you bargin with the devil but you know all those AOL discs you've been getting in the mail for the last 100 years... this is your ticket to freedom. as crazy as i sound go and install that disc. if your missing IE it will give you SOME version of it. once you havce that you can go get whatever you want for interenet browser

IE 6 7 or firefox for something else doesnt amtter you will have what you need after you install AOL even if you dont have aol and dont plan to (which idont plan to either) it will install what you need for you.

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